Gary Allison's Leadership Blog

29 Jan 2008 04:52 am

Lets dispense with the formalities here.  I put this site together to help share a few things I’ve learned along the way about developing software and leading people.  After 20 years, you should learn a thing or two….

I’ve had the great pleasure to work with and for a number of fantastic people in this industry.  I am forever grateful for my early years at IBM.  While the size of the company meant it was not the place for me long term, I learned the fundamentals of leadership and software process there.  It still is a great company where I found life long friends.

Through these years, there have been the death march software projects, great successes, and a few failures.  They all brought me to this place and now it is my turn to mentor and train the next generation of leaders.  I hope you find these ramblings useful and sentient.


One Response to “About”

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