Leadership14 May 2006 02:08 pm
Dec 22, 2005 – Insights from The Big Moo….
Insights from The Big Moo….
Remarkable is…….
- Remarkable is being unafraid to stand out
- Remarkable is having a fire in your belly and an idea that won’t quit
- Remarkable is telling the truth, always
- Remarkable is knowing that a risky idea might fail, but a boring idea will definitely fail
- Remarkable is failing often and then trying again
- Remarkable is more doing and less planning. More testing and less waiting. More dreaming and less sleeping
- Remarkable is when you stand for something and make it happen and change the world – or your business or your life – along the way
- Remarkable isn’t up to you. Remarkable is in the eye of the customer. If your customer decides something you do is worth remarking on, then, by definition, it’s remarkable.