January 2, 2007 – Prologue to Seven Deadly Sins of Software Projects
In our examination of reasons why software projects fail, we start with a few basic assumptions. These seven deadly sins of software development assume that many of the fundamentals are in place: the team is staffed with trained experienced developers, you have a modern source code control system, build processes, test methodologies and automation, bug tracking system, project management systems, etc. In essence, we are assuming at least a CMM Level 2 team – without at least this level of process maturity, there are many other opportunities for the project to fail. This series of short articles focuses on the set of issues that sneak up on experienced software developers and development managers. They are seemingly common issues, but can surface in subtle and surprising ways while teams are heads down implementing a project. We’ll examine some examples along the way as well. Although we may have to change a few names, they will be real examples drawn from experience.